Ubuntu Feed
Ubuntu operating system.
How to install and uninstall skype on Linux Ubuntu...
First let us see how to install Skype on Linux Ubuntu 16.04. Please follow below steps to run command in terminal: ...
How to install Watchman in Ubuntu 16.04?
Follow below steps to install watchman in Ubuntu 16.04 1- Go to home directory: $ cd ~ 2- Clone using below ...
Apache Invalid command 'ProxyPass'?
If you are using Linux Ubuntu operating system and have setup apache web server. In some case if you get the error ...
Why do I get "No root file system is defined" when...
If you are getting the above alert message while installing Ubuntu on a partition, you should follow bellow steps t...
How to install SSL certificate on ubuntu 18.04 apa...
I assume you have setup your apache2 server and websites is running on http protocol. Now you wa...
Screen rotation issue in Ubuntu 18.04?
To get the normal screen use below command and run in terminal: $ xrandr -o normal Try the below command to remo...
How to zip unzip folder ubuntu command?
Before doing zip or unzip a folder or files, you will need to install zip using below command if it is not already ...
How to install free SSL in website?
Suppose you have already a website running on http protocol with apache ubuntu server and you wan...
What is Swap Memory in Linux / Ubuntu?
Swap is a portion of hard drive storage that has been set aside for the operating system to temporarily store data ...
How to install free SSL using DNS challenge (apply...
To configure free SSL on website domain, there are few steps need to follow and require you to have access of b...
How to check which mysql version is available to i...
If MySQL is not installed, you can check the available versions in the Ubuntu repositories using the following comm...