PHP Feed

PHP is one of the famous programing language.
How to integrate SOAP API using curl in PHP?
Yes. We can integrate a SOAP API using curl in php. I can make you understand by giving an example so that you ca...
How to display HTML code on browser without execut...
If you want to print PHP or HTML codes with script or any other tags to define/state your point, you can do us...
What is PHP?
PHP is one of the famous programming language, specially used for website development. Like other programming langu...
How to display PHP code in browser without executi...
We as a developer while working on projects whether it is website or any application write code ...
How to write a program in PHP to generate a star t...
 Please get the below PHP code to generate the above star symbol.  for($r=1;$r
How to get address details from an IP address in P...
First of all I would like to share with you guys that getting address details from an IP address is not much reliab...
What is view composer in laravel php?
If you want some data to be passed to a view each time when it is rendered. It helps to avoid writing code in contr...
How to setup an Apache web server for PHP?
To setup an Apache web server, you need to run the below commands step by step and you will get the server read...
PHP program to generate a fibonacci series?
Below PHP code that will generate the Fibonacci series. Series:Â 01123581321 Â echo $a=0; echo $b=1; Â whi...
PHP Program to check prime number?
Please get the below PHP code that will check number is prime or not: $n = "11411"; $len = strlen($n); $f=0; fo...
PHP code to create diamond symbol?
If you want to write PHP code to get above diamond symbol you can use below code: Â for($i=0;$i=$i;$k--) Â ...
Laravel controller is not working?
I also faced such issue while working on a laravel project and after several rearch I found a solution which worke...
How to get unlimited child categories in structure...
We can get all child categories in PHP using recursion. Follow below example for better understanding: public func...
Many to Many relationship structure in Laravel 7 p...
To establish Many to Many relation, laravel has given a way by creating an intermediary table that is called pivotÂ...
How to send email using PHPMailer in laravel?
Many PHP developers need to send email from their code. The only PHP function that supports this directly is mail()...
Composer execution killed | Composer killed while ...
Composer update or composer install throwing an error something like "killed" showing on screen. It is generall...