Miscellaneous Feed

How to make a carousel vertical?

You can solve this problem by using a css technique and get the slides vertically rotate. I'm giving you an e...

How to display HTML code on browser without execut...

If you want to print PHP or HTML codes with script or any other tags to define/state your point, you can do us...

Expected response code 250 but got code “535”,...

If you are getting the above issue while setting up google / gmail SMTP server. You need to follow below steps ...

How to activate API access in CS Cart?

Cs cart comes with some basic APIs already created like fetch products, get cart contents and some more. You can ...

Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't inclu...

If you are facing an error of domain URL is not included in App's domain as shown below image, you just need to...

How to implement Google Login in Jenkins?

We have a very easy steps to implement Google Login in Jenkins. In Jenkins by default we have an admin us...

Why people don't prefer to go in walkins?

In walkins companies welcome a bulk of candidates to attend and take interviews. In such cases interviewer don'...

What is computer?

As everybody know that computer is an electronic device. It is used used for multiple purposes like account managem...

How to transfer/migrate a repository to a user acc...

Transferring a repository:     - You can transfer repositories to other users or organization accounts. Wh...

Pendrive paste option is not showing in mac?

There is a very easy to use pendrive in mac system. You would have faced this type of problem with a pendrive forma...

What is the difference between tree and graph data...

Tree and Graph both are data structure to store data different format. Due their structure one is called tree a...

Why unitegallery images are zoomed bydefault?

Many people would have faced the zoom issue while using the unitgallery. Images get zoomed by default and image qu...

How to fill address field on moving map and vice v...

Please find below line of codes to solve your problem of getting address field populated with address by moving map...

What is Organization and Team in Github?

Organizations: Organizations are shared accounts where businesses and open-source projects can collaborate a...

What is the use of Watchman while working on React...

React Native uses watchman to detect changes made by you while writing react script and it automatically reflect on...

How to make a div sticky?

Sometime we need a div in sidebar to float within header and footer, in this requirement you can write your own cod...

How to replace broken image with default one in we...

We can solve this problem by using jQuery. There is an event "error" which we can use to solve the problem of broke...

Image is not uploading digitalocean website?

It is a permission issue for root folder. You need to give permission  to your user to read and...

Argument vs Parameter?

It seems same but there is difference between parameter and argument.  Parameter is variable in the declaration o...

How to know about different type of Land Measureme...

There are several type of land measurements in the world. Like Katha is used used in Bangladesh, India and Nepal. I...

How to create multi select checkboxes with search ...

Here I will show you how you can create a multi select checkbox with search feature using jQuery and bootstrap libr...

How to use multi select field?

I would like to share with you guys that using a multi select field is very simple easy to integrate within forms ...

How to check whether an image exists or not from i...

To check image existence you can use below function. You just need to pas the image URL in this function and it wil...

How to check whether laptop has SSD or HDD hard di...

It is very easy to check whether our laptop had SSD or HDD hard disk. You just need to search in window taskbar...

How to share password in email?

Sometime we need to share a password. Directly sharing it in email is not a good practice, we should share it using...

How to add an existing project to GitHub repositor...

These are the steps you an follow to connect/add an existing project with remote github repository. - Initiali...

How to create a private key and convert a .pem fil...

How to generate a public key using puttygen?