JavaScript Feed

Npm ERR cb() never called?
Try npm update chokidar the older versions aint compatible with Node v14 and above Â
How to integrate Textlocal API in javascript?
Textlocal is one of the very famous Indian SMS gateway provider which provides feature of bulk sms anybody can ...
Javascript ES6 interview questions and answers?
A list of important questions and answers which are frequently asked in interviews. Â 1) What is ES6 or ECMAScri...
How to add defer to Enqueued JavaScript Files in W...
To apply defer on javascripts included by wordpress plugins, custom included javascripts using enqueue hook of wo...
How to apply loop on objects in JavaScript?
When we talk about looping through objects, before ES6 we had only one option to loop through objects using for...i...
How to customize the alert in JavaScript or jQuery...
We can customize the alert box by using a library that is sweet alert. It is easy to use and has a nice effect whic...
JavaScript String functions?
We know very well about javascript demand in these days among software and website development companies. If you wa...
Basic Concepts of JavaScript?
Here you can get a very useful javascript concepts where most of the people get confused or not aware of it. The be...
How to encode URL in JavaScript?
When you are working to encode url in javascript you have following functions for encoding purpose. encodeURI()Â...
What is annotation in javascript?
Annotation is about specifyng type of the something like variable. We can understand it better ref...
How to use debugging JavaScript in Chrome DevTools...
Many time we work on JavaScript and resolve bugs debugging with console.log. It solves the problem but takes much t...
JavaScript Array functions?
If you want to work on array in javascript you must be aware of array operating functions which we have listed her...
How to select an element with class and loop throu...
We can select any element of webpage using document.querySelector  and loop through each element having same clas...
What is an RxJS Operator?
Operators are methods that you can use on Observables/Subjects that allow you to change the original observable a...
How to remove duplicate items from array in javasc...
You can remove duplicate items from array in javascript using below methods: 1-Â Using filter function: var item...
What is Prototypes in javascript?
Let us understand the requirement of using prototype first. Suppose you have a person class and t...
What is Lexical Scoping in JavaScript?
We have described the Lexical Scoping concept very clearly using an example which everybody can find it very helpf...
What is difference between var and let in JavaScri...
 Var:---- The var statement declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializin...
What is Closure in JavaScript?
To understand concept of closure go through each line and concentrate on the code carefully: Â function tempFunc...
How to write unit tests in node JS using Jest?
 To write unite tests in node js you nee to install jest package. After installing the package create a...
How to debug in nodejs?
In the it is explained in real time so have look to understand properly.