Explorer Feed

Aspirant ProgrammerI like to explore things getting into detail.
How to work with sleep or add delay in program?
Sleep function is present in time module of python. It is very useful when you are trying to add some delay in program execution. It does not stop complete program instead it just adds some delay in p...
Write a program to generate Fibonacci series in Python?
Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in which each number is addition of previous two numbers. So, lets create it with an example For example: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 and so on. Lets number of terms i...
Npm ERR cb() never called?
When you face such a problem, you just need to run below command if you have npm version 5 or greater npm cache verify Otherwise use below command npm cache clean And again try to run npm in...
Pendrive paste option is not showing in mac?
There is a very easy to use pendrive in mac system. You would have faced this type of problem with a pendrive formated as NTFS. You just need to reformat your pendrive and choose the option as FAT32 a...
Laravel controller is not working?
I also faced such issue while working on a laravel project and after several rearch I found a solution which worked for me and it was really unexpected for me and that is the below command you can us...
How to apply loop on objects in JavaScript?
When we talk about looping through objects, before ES6 we had only one option to loop through objects using for...in. But it has some drawback as it iterates through properties in the prototype chai...
How to enable .htaccess on apache server?
.htaccess is a configuration file for the Apache web server. It’s an extremely powerful tool that can be used to modify the Apache configuration without editing the Apache configuration files direct...
How to edit and update reactive form in Angular?
If you have a list of records and now you want a edit screen to edit and update the record then you can do it using following steps: 1- Import forms module in component import { FormGroup, FormBu...
Basic Concepts of JavaScript?
Here you can get a very useful javascript concepts where most of the people get confused or not aware of it. The below list will solve it: What is NaN? NaN represents a special Not-a-Numbe...
What is view composer in laravel php?
If you want some data to be passed to a view each time when it is rendered. It helps to avoid writing code in controller 's methods repeatedly. We can define it as below: View composers are ...