First of all I would like to introduce about Angularjs and Angular. First version of angularjs is called as Angularjs but later versions are called only Angular so this is the difference.
To start with Angular, you must have node.js installed in your system that should be Node.js 10.9.0 or later version and you can get the latest version from
You also need to have installed npm package manager and that will automatically be available in node.js once you install it.
You need Angular CLI installed to create project, generate application and other development tasks. Use below command to install it:
npm install -g @angular/cli
To create first angular app use below command and start your work:
ng new first-app
Here ng new prompts you to include features in your first app. Press Enter key to accept default selection.
To run application, use below commands:
cd first-app
ng serve --open
The above command ng serve start server, checks all files and rebuild application as you make changes in files. Here --open or just -o will open browser automatically with URL http://localhost:4200/
Now you will see the first page of Angular with default html contents.